Pls. ensure to update any email addresses within your user account, core account, etc. profile to reflect, per IU's One Mail project

Solutions for many iLab inquiries may be found on the IU iLab FAQ page.  Should further assistance be needed, contact iLab support via  The Agilent iLab Help Resources Hub is also a useful page.

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Specimen Storage Facility (SSF)


Overview of Services

The Biospecimen Management Core (BMC) offers cost-efficient processing & storage services with a focus on consistent quality and sample integrity.  The Specimen Storage Facility (SSF) currently maintains four mechanical freezer storage sites and two LN2 freezer storage sites.  Both investigator and SSF owned freezers are monitored and maintained by SSF staff 24/7 to virtually eliminate specimen loss due to freezer failures.  Quality is maintained via our contracted independent QA oversight and guidance. Our facility and procedures are ISBER compliant (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories).


Robert Orr Jenna York
SSF Director SSF Facility Manager
317-944-9726 317-274-2213


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

Specimen Access and Services: Monday-Friday 2pm-3pm, or by appointment

Walther Hall, Room R3-C158
980 W. Walnut Street
Indianapolis, IN  46202


Links and Resources

    1. CTSI Biospecimen Management Core
    2. SSF Policies



Name Role Phone Email Location