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SNRI Biomarkers Core


Overview of Services

The SNRI Biomarker Core functions within the Stark Neurosciences Research Institute and provides biomarker services (including fluid, tissue and transcriptomic) to investigators within SNRI, IUSM and external users. Available equipment includes an nCounter MAX system, GeoMx DSP system (NanoString Technologies), Meso QuickPlex SQ120 (Meso Scale Diagnostics), Ella (Proteinsimple) and Simoa HD-X (Quanterix) which allow investigators to measure biomarkers in a variety of tissues from preclinical or human clinical sources.  Multiplexing of targets in tissues or on a slide, investigators can detect changes in their samples and target specific pathways of interest in disease.  The Biomarker Core also offers services to design and validate custom kits for customers. Investigators will be charged for core employee time, as well as the cost of kits and materials.

The Biomarker Core offers the fully automated and easy-to-use nanoString nCounter MAX Analysis System. This system provides everything needed to complete your projects in record time. Faster and highly multiplexed than qPCR and simpler than NGS, the nCounter MAX allows for digital examination of multiple pathways from a single tube in an extraction-free workflow requiring only 15 minutes of hands-on time. It allows investigators to accelerate research by spending less time on sample prep and perform their own data analysis using the included nSolver Analysis Software. The NanoString nCounter Analysis system utilizes a novel fluorescent color-coded molecular barcode technology coupled with single molecule imaging to perform digital nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) counting. This technology enables investigators to profile hundreds of targets simultaneously, up to 800 mRNA or miRNA targets in a single reaction for many kits.

The nanoString GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP) provides morphological context in spatial transcriptomics and spatial proteomics experiments from just one slide. From discovery to translational research, the GeoMx DSP is the most flexible and robust spatial biology solution designed to conform to your ever-changing research needs.  The GeoMx DSP workflow seamlessly integrates with current histology or genomics workflows to help researchers obtain robust and reproducible spatial multiomics data quickly.  Whole tissue sections, FFPE or fresh frozen, can be imaged and stained for RNA or protein. Researchers can then precisely select which tissue compartments or cell types to profile based on the biology, and subsequently count expression levels using the nCounter Analysis System. GeoMX DSP technology


The SNRI Biomarker core has several options for ELISA type assays: 

The MESO QuickPlex SQ120. The QuickPlex instrument offers access to high-performance electrochemiluminescence immunoassays. This compact system has been engineered for reliability. The combination of rapid read times and the ability to perform multiple, simultaneous tests on a single sample increases productivity, saves sample, and delivers results quickly. The QuickPlex instrument has a wide menu of commercially available assay kits and the SNRI Biomarker core can assist in developing your own novel assays.

The Protein Simple Ella ELISA system. Ella's combination of performance and workflow provide robust and reliable data. In just 90 minutes you get highly reproducible validated assay data with no manual steps. The assay performance behind that data includes sub-picogram level sensitivity, 4+ logs of dynamic range and reproducibility that rivals the best laboratory automation.  Protein simple offers a rapidly growing list of full-service kit assays and the SNRI Biomarker core offers custom assay development for the Ella platform.

The Quanterix Simoa HD-X enables ultrasensitive biomarker analysis in samples from preclinical model systems and human clinical research.  The Simoa-HD-X is the latest in single molecule counting technology and offers a wide array of full-service kit assays as well as custom assay development when needed.  The SNRI Biomarker core also partners with the National Centralized Repository for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (NCRAD) biomarker assay laboratory to offer access to their robust and reliable implementation of  NfL, P-tau, GFAP, Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42 assays for human plasma samples.



 Jeff Dage, PhD

Senior Research Professor of Neurology


Adrian L. Oblak, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences




Links and Resources

  1. Stark Biomarkers Core website
  2. nanoString nCounter panel selection tool
  3. Ella full-service kit assays
  4. MSD QuickPlex full-service kit assays
  5. Simoa HD-X full-service kit assays
  6. nanoString University & Support



Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday

By appointment only.

Neurosciences Research Building

320 W. 15th St.

Indianapolis, IN 46202


Name Role Phone Email Location
SNRI Biomarkers Core
320 West 15th St. Indianapolis, IN 46202
